Matsuba Laboratory


Matsuba laboratory

Department of Polymer Science and Engineering

Faculty of Science and Engineering, Yamagata University

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Presentations (Meeting)

●2014.5.28-30  高分子学会年次大会(名古屋国際会議場)
(*1 豊橋技術科学大、*2京大、*3群馬大、*4帝人)

"The elucidation of shish-kebab formation process by neutron scattering"
(Sakurai, Matsuba, Inoue#, Nishida#, Kanaya#, Tominaga$, Takata$)
(#:Kyoto University, $: J-PARC Center)

"Crystallization of Poly(L-lactic acid)/Poly(D-lactic acid) Blends in high speed Temperature Jump"
(Matsuba, Hemmi, Tsuji%, Kawai$, Nishida#, Kanaya#, Endoh+, Toyohara+)
(%: Toyohashi University of Sci and Eng, $: Gumma University, #:Kyoto University, +: Teijin Ltd)

●2014.6.8-12  PP'2014(Nanjing, China)
(Nyuui and Matsuba)

●2014.6.11-13  繊維学会年次大会(タワーホール船堀)

(藤山、松葉、山下#, 南地#, 河原#)


●2014.9.24-26  高分子討論会(長崎大学)

「ポリ(L-乳酸)/ポリ(D-乳酸)ブレンドのミクロンスケールでの 結晶と非晶の分布」


●2014.9.26  九州・関東高分子若手研究会 ミニシンポジウム(セントヒル長崎)

●2014.9.28-10.1  ISF2014(TFT Hall, Tokyo)
「Precise analysis for shish-kebab structure in uniaxial drawing」
(Matsuba: Keynote)

「Formation process and structure of poly(acrylonitrile) gels」
(Nakano, Matsuba)

「Analysis of bulk and surface structure of the temperature-sensitive adhesive」
(Fujiyama, Matsuba, Yamashita, Kawahara)

●2014.10.2-10.3  ICRSPC2014(Mielparque Kyoto, Kyoto)
「Analysis of bulk and surface structure of the temperature-sensitive adhesive」
(Fujiyama, Matsuba, Yamashita, Kawahara)

●2014.10.15-17  SmaSYS2014(Denkokuno-mori, Yonezawa)
「Structural analysis of drawing polyethylene blend by SAXS and WAXS measurements in dissolution」
(Honda, Matsuba)

●2014.11.10  Joint Symposium between Donghua and Yamagata University(Donghua University, Shanghai, China)
「Precise analysis of polymer crystallization process in a wide spatial scale」

「Structural analysis of drawing polyethylene blend by SAXS and WAXS measurements in dissolution」(Oral)
(Honda, Matsuba)

●2014.11.11  Joint Symposium between Fudan and Yamagata University(Fudan University, Shanghai, China)
「Structural analysis of drawing polyethylene blend by SAXS and WAXS measurements in dissolution」(Poster)
(Honda, Matsuba)

●2015.03.17 IMFシンポジウム@つくば


●2015.03.18 日韓親善学術講演会(福島大学)

Presentations (University/Institute)

2014.6.7 Short Course of Polymer Physics in Nanjing University
"Observation of Crystallization Process during Shear Flow"

2014.8.28  第一回山形大学放射光利用者懇談会(理学部)

2014.12.10 Lectures in Nanjing University
"Detailed structure in spherulites of PLLA/PDLA blends with wide-spatial scale"
(Sato, Matsuba)

Updated, Aug 19, 2015